Economist Intelligence Unit - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre La Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) es una unidad de negocios independiente dentro del grupo The Economist.[1] Ofrece pronósticos y asesoramiento económico a sus clientes: análisis de países, industrias y gerenciamiento. También elabora informes: las "ci
Economist Intelligence Unit — Wikipédia L'Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) est une entreprise indépendante appartenant au groupe The Economist Group[1]. Par ses recherches et ses analyses, l'EIU offre des prévisions et du conseil à ses clients. Il fournit aux pays, industries et aux entreprise
Democracy index - Wikipedia Il Democracy Index (Indicatore di Democrazia) è un grado calcolato dal settimanale The Economist che esamina lo stato della democrazia in 167 paesi. Questo viene quantificato da l'Economist Intelligence Unit Index of Democracy che si concentra su cinque c
Economist Intelligence Unit The EIU provides country, risk and industry analysis, across 200 countries worldwide. Register on today.
经济学人信息社- 维基百科,自由的百科全书 经济学人智库(英语:Economist Intelligence Unit,又譯:經濟學人信息社、經濟學 人情报社)是经济学人集团的一部分。这是一个研究和咨询公司,提供国家、行业和 ...
Economist Intelligence Unit _百度百科 EIU全称TheEconomist Intelligence Unit, 是经济学人集团(The Economist Group) 旗下的经济分析智囊机. 构,通常 .... 中国海外投资指数(PDF中文版) .Economist ...
Economist Intelligence Unit | Economist - World News, Politics ... A HUGE cache of titanium ore was recently discovered in Paraguay, a country that until now has lacked a significant mining industry. Our colleagues at the ...
Economist Intelligence Unit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) is an independent business within The Economist Group providing forecasting and advisory services through research ...
- The Economist 经济学人经济学家中文版 2009年8月3日 ... Economist Intelligence Unit Briefing 经济学人智库简报. Uncertainty in the year ahead 未来一年的不确定因素. Jul 28th 2009. From the Economist ...
Economist Intelligence Unit - 全球城市競爭力排名2012 - 倫敦第二 ... 同屬於The Economist 集團的Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) 剛公佈了2012年度 的全球城市競爭力排名,倫敦排名第二,第一名則為紐約.